October 12, 2023Software-Engineering
October 12, 2023Data-Structures
Question 35
In an adjacency list representation of an undirected simple graph G = (V,E), each edge (u,v) has two adjacency list entries: [v] in the adjacency list of u, and [u] in the adjacency list of v. These are called twins of each other. A twin pointer is a pointer from an adjacency list entry to its twin. If |E| = m and |V| = n, and the memory size is not a constraint, what is the time complexity of the most efficient algorithm to set the twin pointer in each entry in each adjacency list?
Question 35 Explanation:
Applying BFS on Undirected graph give you twin pointer.
Visit every vertex level-wise for every vertex fill adjacent vertex in the adjacency list. BFS take O(m+n) time.
Twin Pointers can be setup by keeping track of parent node in BFS or DFS of graph.
Visit every vertex level-wise for every vertex fill adjacent vertex in the adjacency list. BFS take O(m+n) time.
Twin Pointers can be setup by keeping track of parent node in BFS or DFS of graph.
Correct Answer: B
Question 35 Explanation:
Applying BFS on Undirected graph give you twin pointer.
Visit every vertex level-wise for every vertex fill adjacent vertex in the adjacency list. BFS take O(m+n) time.
Twin Pointers can be setup by keeping track of parent node in BFS or DFS of graph.
Visit every vertex level-wise for every vertex fill adjacent vertex in the adjacency list. BFS take O(m+n) time.
Twin Pointers can be setup by keeping track of parent node in BFS or DFS of graph.