October 14, 2023
October 14, 2023
October 14, 2023
October 14, 2023


Question 14

Let R(a,b,c) and S(d,e,f) be two relations in which d is the foreign key of S that refers to the primary key of R. Consider the following four operations R and S

   (a) Insert into R            (b) Insert into S 
   (c) Delete from R            (d) Delete from S    

Which of the following can cause violation of the referential integrity constraint above?

None of (a), (b), (c) or (d) can cause its violation
All of (a), (b), (c) and (d) can cause its violation
Both (a) and (d) can cause its violation
Both (b) and (c) can cause its violation
Question 14 Explanation: 
Let take example:

Here ‘d’ is the foreign key of S and let ‘a’ is the primary key of R.
(A) Insertion into R: will cause no violation.
(B) Insertion into S: may cause violation because there may not be entry of the tuple in relation R. Example entry of 〈S4, __, __〉 is not allowed.
(C) Delete from R: may cause violation. For example, deletion of tuple 〈S2, __, __〉 will cause violation as there is entry of S2 in the foreign key table.
(D) Delete from S: will cause no violation as it does not result inconsistency.
Correct Answer: D
Question 14 Explanation: 
Let take example:

Here ‘d’ is the foreign key of S and let ‘a’ is the primary key of R.
(A) Insertion into R: will cause no violation.
(B) Insertion into S: may cause violation because there may not be entry of the tuple in relation R. Example entry of 〈S4, __, __〉 is not allowed.
(C) Delete from R: may cause violation. For example, deletion of tuple 〈S2, __, __〉 will cause violation as there is entry of S2 in the foreign key table.
(D) Delete from S: will cause no violation as it does not result inconsistency.
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