UGC-NET CS 2018 JUNE Paper-1
October 20, 2023
UGC-NET CS 2018 JUNE Paper-1
October 20, 2023
UGC-NET CS 2018 JUNE Paper-1
October 20, 2023
UGC-NET CS 2018 JUNE Paper-1
October 20, 2023

UGC-NET CS 2018 JUNE Paper-1

Question 8
Which of the following sequences of research steps is nearer to scientific method ?
Suggested solution of the problem, Deducing the consequences of the solution, Perceiving the problem situation, Location of the difficulty and testing the solutions.
Perceiving the problem situation, Locating the actual problem and its definition, Hypothesizing, Deducing the consequences of the suggested solution and Testing the hypothesis in action.
Defining a problem, Identifying the causes of the problem, Defining a population, Drawing a sample, Collecting data and Analysing results.
Identifying the causal factors, Defining the problem, Developing a hypothesis, Selecting a sample, Collecting data and arriving at generalizations and Conclusions.
Question 8 Explanation: 
Following is the sequences of research steps:
I. Formulating the research problem
II. Extensive literature Survey
III. Developing the Hypothesis
IV. Preparing the research Design
V. Determining Sample Design
VI. Collecting the data
VII. Execution of project
VIII. Analysis of data
IX. Hypothesis testing
X. Generalisation and interpretation
XI. Preparation of the report for presentation of results.
Correct Answer: B
Question 8 Explanation: 
Following is the sequences of research steps:
I. Formulating the research problem
II. Extensive literature Survey
III. Developing the Hypothesis
IV. Preparing the research Design
V. Determining Sample Design
VI. Collecting the data
VII. Execution of project
VIII. Analysis of data
IX. Hypothesis testing
X. Generalisation and interpretation
XI. Preparation of the report for presentation of results.
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