JNU 2018-2 PhD CS
October 26, 2023
JNU 2018-2 PhD CS
October 26, 2023
JNU 2018-2 PhD CS
October 26, 2023
JNU 2018-2 PhD CS
October 26, 2023

JNU 2018-2 PhD CS

Question 2
If transition is not defined on the current state and the current tape symbol, then the machine
does not halt
goes into loop forever
None of the above
Question 2 Explanation: 
If transition is not defined in any state,then the state may be final or non final state.In both case it is said that the machine halts.If in final state there is no transition then we say machine halts and we say string accepted or if in non-final state there is no transition then we say machine halts and we say string is rejected.
Correct Answer: A
Question 2 Explanation: 
If transition is not defined in any state,then the state may be final or non final state.In both case it is said that the machine halts.If in final state there is no transition then we say machine halts and we say string accepted or if in non-final state there is no transition then we say machine halts and we say string is rejected.
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