KVS 22-12-2018 Part-A
October 29, 2023UGC NET CS 2016 Aug- paper-2
October 29, 2023Question 8174 – Operating-Systems
The following two functions P1 and P2 that share a variable B with an initial value of 2 execute concurrently.
P1() { C = B – 1; B = 2*C; } P2() { D = 2 * B; B = D - 1; }
The number of distinct values that B can possibly take after the execution is
Correct Answer: A
Question 40 Explanation:
If we execute P2 process after P1 process, then B = 3
If we execute P1 process after P2 process, then B = 4
If we did preemption between P1 & P2 processes, then B = 2 (Preemption have done from P1 to P2) or B = 3 (Preemption have done from P2 to P1). So, among 2 & 3 values, only one value will be saved in B. So, total no. of distinct values that B can possibly take after the execution is 3.
If we execute P1 process after P2 process, then B = 4
If we did preemption between P1 & P2 processes, then B = 2 (Preemption have done from P1 to P2) or B = 3 (Preemption have done from P2 to P1). So, among 2 & 3 values, only one value will be saved in B. So, total no. of distinct values that B can possibly take after the execution is 3.