Question 11088 – Algorithms
November 19, 2023B-Trees
November 19, 2023Algorithms
Question 10 |
An array A contains n integers in locations A[0],A[1], …………… A[n-1]. It is required to shift the elements of the array cyclically to the left by K places, where 1≤K≤n-1. An incomplete algorithm for doing this in linear time, without using another is given below. Complete the algorithm by filling in the blanks. Assume
all variables are suitably declared.
min:=n; i=0; while _____do begin temp:=A[i]; j:=i; while _____do begin A[j]:=_____; j:=(j+K) mod n; if j<min then="" min:="j;" end;="" a[(n+i-k)mod="" n]:="_____;" i:="____________;"
Theory Explanation. |
Correct Answer: A