Question 9234 – Computer-Organization
December 8, 2023
Question 1953 – Computer-Networks
December 8, 2023
Question 9234 – Computer-Organization
December 8, 2023
Question 1953 – Computer-Networks
December 8, 2023

Question 6074 – CHENNAI MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTE (M.Sc. / Ph.D. Programme in Computer Science)15 May 2013

When a user submits a query, a search engine does the following. For every webpage that has been visited by the search engine, it computes a score indicating how relevant that page is to the query. Finally, it reports the pages with the top k scores on the screen, for a number k specified by the user. A good data structure for accumulating the scores and ranking them is:

Correct Answer: B

Question 3 Explanation: 
Let n be the number of pages visited by the search engine at the time a query is submitted. Assume that it takes constant time to compute the relevance score for each page w.r.t. a query. Then it takes O(n) time to compute the relevance scores, a further O(n) time to build a heap of n relevance scores, and O(k · log n) time for k delete-max operations to return the top k scores.
a queue
a heap
a stack
a binary search tree
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