Question 3153 – 2016 August NTA UGC NET Paper 1
February 13, 20242016 August NTA UGC NET Paper 1
February 13, 2024Database-Management-System
Question 2 |
Suppose a database system crashes again while recovering from a previous crash. Assume checkpointing is not done by the database either during the transactions or during recovery.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
The same undo and redo list will be used while recovering again. | |
The database will become inconsistent. | |
The system cannot recover any further. | |
All the transactions that are already undone and redone will not be recovered again. |
Question 2 Explanation:
Suppose a database system crashes again while recovering it from the previous crash then also we need to make use of the redo and undo list to recover the system.
Correct Answer: A
Question 2 Explanation:
Suppose a database system crashes again while recovering it from the previous crash then also we need to make use of the redo and undo list to recover the system.