Question 1134 – HTML
February 15, 2024Question 2330 – Computer-Graphics
February 15, 2024Question 2312 – Computer-Graphics
What is the bitrate for transmitting uncompressed 800×600 pixel color frame with 8 bits/pixel at 40 frames/Second?
Correct Answer: D
Question 25 Explanation:
Step-1: Given data, Uncompressed pixel = 800*600
Step-2: Each of 8 bit = 800*600 *8
Step-3: Bit rate for transmitting = 800*600 *8 *40 =153600000 bits
Step-4: Here, they are given in Mbps. 153600000 bits =153.6Mbps
Step-2: Each of 8 bit = 800*600 *8
Step-3: Bit rate for transmitting = 800*600 *8 *40 =153600000 bits
Step-4: Here, they are given in Mbps. 153600000 bits =153.6Mbps
1536 Mbps
2.4 Mbps
15.36 Mbps
153.6 Mbps