Question 17389 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
March 22, 2024
Question 17387 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
March 22, 2024
Question 17389 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
March 22, 2024
Question 17387 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
March 22, 2024

Question 17388 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2

An Address in main memory is called:

Correct Answer: D

Question 48 Explanation: 
Physical address: The actual, unique address of a memory location in the main memory hardware. It’s the address used by the memory controller to access specific memory cells.
Virtual address: A memory address used by a process, which may not directly correspond to a physical address. The operating system translates virtual addresses to physical addresses using memory management techniques like paging or segmentation.
Memory address: A general term referring to any address used to identify a memory location, but it doesn’t specify whether it’s physical or virtual.
Logical address: Another general term often used interchangeably with virtual address or memory address, but it’s less specific than physical address.
Virtual address
Memory address
Logical address
Physical address
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