April 14, 2024
Question 6915 – UGC NET CS 2015 Dec – paper-3
April 14, 2024
April 14, 2024
Question 6915 – UGC NET CS 2015 Dec – paper-3
April 14, 2024


Question 10
The combination of an IP address and a port number is known as ___________.
network number
socket address
subnet mask number
MAC address
Question 10 Explanation: 
Socket address: A socket address is used to uniquely identify a process on a host.
Example: There can be multiple hosts that are communicating to a server. So to identify each host uniquely IP address is required. Now there could be multiple processes executing on a host machine So to identify each process uniquely on a host Port number is used.

So to identify a process on a host combination of an IP address and a port number is used and this combination is termed as Socket Address.
Socket Address is a 48-bit address which includes 32 -bit IP address and 16-bit Port address.
Correct Answer: B
Question 10 Explanation: 
Socket address: A socket address is used to uniquely identify a process on a host.
Example: There can be multiple hosts that are communicating to a server. So to identify each host uniquely IP address is required. Now there could be multiple processes executing on a host machine So to identify each process uniquely on a host Port number is used.

So to identify a process on a host combination of an IP address and a port number is used and this combination is termed as Socket Address.
Socket Address is a 48-bit address which includes 32 -bit IP address and 16-bit Port address.
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