August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024


Question 84
The best normal form of relation scheme R(A, B, C, D) along with the set of functional dependencies F = {AB → C, AB → D, C → A, D → B} is
Boyce-Codd Normal form
Third Normal form
Second Normal form
First Normal form
Question 84 Explanation: 
AB → C
AB → D
C → A
D → B
A​ +​ ={A}
B​ +​ ={B}
C​ +​ ={C,A}
D​ +​ ={D,B}
Since single attributes can’t determine all the attributes of relation. Find closure of combination of two attributes to check whey could be the key for the relation or not.
AB​ +​ ={A,B,C,D}
AC​ +​ ={A,C}
AD​ +​ ={A,D,B,C}
BC​ +​ ={B,C,A,D}
AB​ +​ ={A,B,C,D}
AC​ +​ ={A,C}
AD​ +​ ={A,D,B,C}
BC​ +​ ={B,C,A,D}
BD​ +​ ={B,D}
CD​ +​ ={C,D,B,A}
So, AB,AD,BC,CD are the candidate keys for the given relation. All attributes are key attributes and since last two functional dependencies are violating BCNF property (that LHS if a functional
dependency should be a super key) so the given relation is in 3NF only.
Correct Answer: B
Question 84 Explanation: 
AB → C
AB → D
C → A
D → B
A​ +​ ={A}
B​ +​ ={B}
C​ +​ ={C,A}
D​ +​ ={D,B}
Since single attributes can’t determine all the attributes of relation. Find closure of combination of two attributes to check whey could be the key for the relation or not.
AB​ +​ ={A,B,C,D}
AC​ +​ ={A,C}
AD​ +​ ={A,D,B,C}
BC​ +​ ={B,C,A,D}
AB​ +​ ={A,B,C,D}
AC​ +​ ={A,C}
AD​ +​ ={A,D,B,C}
BC​ +​ ={B,C,A,D}
BD​ +​ ={B,D}
CD​ +​ ={C,D,B,A}
So, AB,AD,BC,CD are the candidate keys for the given relation. All attributes are key attributes and since last two functional dependencies are violating BCNF property (that LHS if a functional
dependency should be a super key) so the given relation is in 3NF only.
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