September 7, 2024Computer-Networks
September 7, 2024Web-Technologies
Question 15
An XML document that adheres to syntax rules specified by XML 1.0 specification in that it must satisfy both physical and logical structured, is called:
Well – formed
Question 15 Explanation:
A well-formed document in XML is a document that “adheres to the syntax rules specified by the XML 1.0 specification in that it must satisfy both physical and logical structures”.
Well formed documents requirements:
1. Content be defined.
2. Content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
3. Content be properly nested (parents within roots, children within parents)
Well formed documents requirements:
1. Content be defined.
2. Content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
3. Content be properly nested (parents within roots, children within parents)
Correct Answer: A
Question 15 Explanation:
A well-formed document in XML is a document that “adheres to the syntax rules specified by the XML 1.0 specification in that it must satisfy both physical and logical structures”.
Well formed documents requirements:
1. Content be defined.
2. Content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
3. Content be properly nested (parents within roots, children within parents)
Well formed documents requirements:
1. Content be defined.
2. Content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
3. Content be properly nested (parents within roots, children within parents)