September 13, 2024Computer-Networks
September 13, 2024Database-Management-System
Question 43
Consider the B+ tree in the adjoining figure, where each node has atmost two keys and three links.
Now the key K50 is deleted from the 8 tree resulting after the two insertions made earlier. Consider the following statements about the B tree resulting after this deletion.
(i) The height of the tree remains the same.
(ii) The node (disregarding the links) is present in the tree.
(iii) The root node remains unchanged (disregarding the links).
Which one of the following options is true?
Statements (i) and (ii) are true
Statements (ii) and (iii) are true
Statements (iii) and (i) are true
All the statements are false
Question 43 Explanation:
The B+ tree in previous question we get was,
Now after deleting 50 we get B+ tree as
Hence, correct statement is only (i) & (ii).
Now after deleting 50 we get B+ tree as
Hence, correct statement is only (i) & (ii).
Correct Answer: B
Question 43 Explanation:
The B+ tree in previous question we get was,
Now after deleting 50 we get B+ tree as
Hence, correct statement is only (i) & (ii).
Now after deleting 50 we get B+ tree as
Hence, correct statement is only (i) & (ii).