October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023

GATE 2021 CS-Set-2

Question 19
What is the worst-case number of arithmetic operations performed by recursive binary search on a sorted array of size n?
Question 19 Explanation: 

In this question they given three main constraints

  1. The input array is in sorted order
  2. Use recursive binary search
  3. Worst case number of operations

If the array is in sorted order then the worst case time complexity is O(logn)

Ex: 10, 20, 30

The binary search approach is using either recursive or iterative method is

Step-1: element = middle, the element is found and return the index.

Step-2: element > middle, search for the element in the sub-array starting from middle+1 index to n.

Step-3: element < middle, search for element in the sub-array starting from 0 index to middle -1.

Note: The worst case happens when we want to find the smallest/largest farthest node. So, it will not take more than O(logn) time. 

Correct Answer: A
Question 19 Explanation: 

In this question they given three main constraints

  1. The input array is in sorted order
  2. Use recursive binary search
  3. Worst case number of operations

If the array is in sorted order then the worst case time complexity is O(logn)

Ex: 10, 20, 30

The binary search approach is using either recursive or iterative method is

Step-1: element = middle, the element is found and return the index.

Step-2: element > middle, search for the element in the sub-array starting from middle+1 index to n.

Step-3: element < middle, search for element in the sub-array starting from 0 index to middle -1.

Note: The worst case happens when we want to find the smallest/largest farthest node. So, it will not take more than O(logn) time. 

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