Question 5362 – Operating-Systems
November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023
Question 5362 – Operating-Systems
November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023

KVS DEC-2013

Question 2
Even when the screen is completely dark while the film is in motion, commercial motion pictures use
32 frames per second or 101 screen illuminations per second
72 frames per second or 234 screen illuminations per second
8 frames per second or 32 screen illuminations per second
24 frames per second or 72 screen illuminations per second
Question 2 Explanation: 
→ Motion picture, also called film or movie, series of still photographs on film, projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light.
→ When a motion picture film is projected on a screen at the rate of at least 16 illuminations per second but the commercial motion pictures uses 24 frames per second or 72 screen illuminations per second.
→ Film Technology standard is 24 frames per second, a three bladed shutter and some dreamy motion blur, all projected as shadow and light on the side of a wall.
Correct Answer: D
Question 2 Explanation: 
→ Motion picture, also called film or movie, series of still photographs on film, projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light.
→ When a motion picture film is projected on a screen at the rate of at least 16 illuminations per second but the commercial motion pictures uses 24 frames per second or 72 screen illuminations per second.
→ Film Technology standard is 24 frames per second, a three bladed shutter and some dreamy motion blur, all projected as shadow and light on the side of a wall.
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