Question 5801 – Reasoning
December 6, 2023
Question 3596 – Web-Technologies
December 6, 2023
Question 5801 – Reasoning
December 6, 2023
Question 3596 – Web-Technologies
December 6, 2023

Question 5813 – Reasoning

A number of dacoits need to hole up in their hideout. The problem is that, as with many criminal groups, there are a number of personality conflicts that disallow certain members of the dacoit group from being in the hideout the same time as certain other members. The personality issues of the bandits A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are illuminated by the following constraints:
I. If D is in the hideout, then E is in the hideout.
II. If E is not in the hideout, then A is in the hideout.
III. If B is not in the hideout, then C is not in the hideout.
IV. If F is in the hideout, then H is not in the hideout.
V. If A is not in the hideout, then B is in the hideout.

Which of the following could be a complete list of the bandits in the hideout?

Correct Answer: C

A, E, F, H
F, D, C, B
E, H, D, A
H, B, E, C, F
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