Question 1
Which of the following statements is true for TCP protocol?
TCP is a connection-less unreliable protocol. [Option ID = 11080]
TCP is a connection-less reliable protocol. [Option ID = 11079]
TCP is a connection-oriented reliable protocol. [Option ID = 11077]
TCP is a connection-oriented unreliable protocol. [Option ID = 11078]
Question 1 Explanation: 
TCP is a connection-oriented reliable protocol. [Option ID = 11077]
Question 2
The file space allocation of Unix Operating System is [Question ID = 2773] 
Linked [Option ID = 11090]
Single level indexed [Option ID = 11091]
Multi-level Indexed [Option ID = 11092]
Contiguous [Option ID = 11089]
Question 2 Explanation: 
Multi-level Indexed [Option ID = 11092]
Question 3
The worst-case time complexity of searching an element out of n elements is [Question ID = 2754]
θ(n) for complete binary tree and BST while θ(log n) for AVL tree
θ(n log n) for complete binary tree, θ(n) for BST and θ(log n) for AVL.
θ(n) for complete binary tree while θ(log n) for BST and AVL tree.
θ(log n) for complete binary tree, BST and AVL tree
Question 3 Explanation: 
θ(n) for complete binary tree and BST while θ(log n) for AVL tree
Question 4
This examination paper has 100 multiple-choice questions of one mark each, with each question having four choices only one of which is correct. Each incorrect answer fetches -0.25 mark. Suppose you choose all your answers randomly with uniform probability. Then the expected mark you obtain is [Question ID = 2759]
6.25 [Option ID = 11036]
0 [Option ID = 11033]
37.5 [Option ID = 11035]
17.5 [Option ID = 11034]
Question 4 Explanation: 
6.25 [Option ID = 11036]
Question 5
Suppose we are given pointers to first  and last nodes of a singly linked list containing n elements (where each node contains pointer to the next node). Which of the following operations cannot be performed in time independent on the length of the linked list? [Question ID = 2753]
Insert a new element as the last element. [Option ID = 11012]
Insert a new element as the first element. [Option ID = 11011]
Delete the first element. [Option ID = 11009]
Delete the last element. [Option ID = 11010]
Question 5 Explanation: 
Delete the last element. [Option ID = 11010]
Question 6
A CPU has 32 bit address lines and 16 bit datalines. The maximum primary memory addressing capacity of the CPU is [Question ID = 2768]
4 MB [Option ID = 11072]
2 GB [Option ID = 11070]
64 KB [Option ID = 11069]
4 GB [Option ID = 11071]
Question 6 Explanation: 
4 GB [Option ID = 11071]
Question 7
Which of the following inter-process communication mechanism is most efficient in an operating system? [Question ID = 2772]
Semaphore [Option ID = 11087]
Shared memory [Option ID = 11085]
Message Passing [Option ID = 11086]
Message queue [Option ID = 11088]
Question 7 Explanation: 
Shared memory [Option ID = 11085]
Question 8
In a QAM Modulation scheme, the baud-rate is 4 kilobaud/second. The lowest carrier frequency is 102 KHz. The bandwidth of the channel is 1 MHz. The number of digital channels created would be [Question ID = 2769]
300 [Option ID = 11076]
250 [Option ID = 11075]
200 [Option ID = 11073]
225 [Option ID = 11074]
Question 8 Explanation: 
225 [Option ID = 11074]
Question 9
To reduce thrashing in virtual memory, which of the following data structures is most suitable? [Question ID = 2774]
Queue [Option ID = 11096]
Array [Option ID = 11094]
Hashing [Option ID = 11095]
Stack [Option ID = 11093]
Question 9 Explanation: 
Stack [Option ID = 11093]
Question 10
III. In the context of Project Tiger, many observers have noted that the country is now home to approximately two-thirds of the tigers in the world. But many have sounded a note of caution and said a lot more effort is required before we can declare tiger populations to be robust over the long term in India. These efforts usually mean increasing vigilance against poaching of tigers and their prey, expanding existing tiger reserves. However, there is an opposing group of public intellectuals that considers social justice to be of paramount importance in India. In their estimation, forests are as much cultural and social places as they are a habitat for wildlife. Forests are home to one in eight Indians, and tiger conservation has come at a terrible human cost; tribals have been forced out of forests, uprooted from their social and cultural context, deprived of education, development and livelihoods, plunged into poverty, and remained either unwilling or unable to integrate into the mainstream. Conservation of the tiger, they say, should not be at the cost of the fundamental rights of our citizenry. In the last two decades or so, elected governments in India have sanctioned the cutting down of forests to build highways, flattened forests for coal and other minerals, and drowned out forests for dams, significantly devastating wildlife and forest dwellers alike. These sanctions are accompanied by statements of reassurance that it is possible to balance economic development with ecological and social concerns. Notwithstanding these platitudes, both conservationists and social justice activists feel short-changed by a government set on accelerating swiftly towards the edge of ecological destruction. The great game playing out in the forests of our country continues. The tiger, forests, and forest dwellers will remain pawns in this great game. It remains to be seen if conservationists and social justice activists can reconcile their differences to collaboratively call out the conductor before it is curtains. 'a lot more effort is required' to save the tiger, says the author. What kind of 'effort' is required? [Question ID = 53375]
Providing congenial environment for wildlife to flourish. [Option ID = 93488]
Ensuring they get their prey easily. [Option ID = 93487]
Saving tigers from being hunted, as also preserving their habitat. [Option ID = 93486]
All of these [Option ID = 93489]
Question 10 Explanation: 
Saving tigers from being hunted, as also preserving their habitat. [Option ID = 93486]
Question 11
I. Generating clean renewable electricity is crucial for India where nearly 300 million people—about a quarter of its population—live without access to electricity. Today, India is one of the lowest per capita consumers of electricity in the world; even when people are connected to the electricity grid, they face frequent disruptions. Add to that the projected economic growth and the increase in population, and the demand for energy in India is expected to double by 2040. According to Onno Ruhl, World Bank Country Director in India, with around 300 days of sunshine every year, India has among the best conditions in the world to harness solar energy. The rapid expansion of solar power can improve the quality of life for millions of Indians, especially for its poorest citizens. It can also create thousands of jobs in the solar industry and underpin progress in all areas of development, helping the country fulfill its dream of becoming the 'India of the future'. But Energy storage systems play a vital role to enhance capacity firming and smoothing the variable and intermittent power output from solar plants. The need for Energy Storage is thus indispensable in lieu of growing share of solar power in India's energy basket. With the year on year declining price trend of solar and energy storage technologies, the time is not very far when not only commercial and industrial customers but also residential customers would become prosumers where they will produce and consume the electricity in-house and this will be possible with the hybrid solution of solar and storage. Another market, which will grow in the near future, will be second life of the battery where the batteries (after few modifications) from the electric vehicles after their life can be used for the solar applications which will further reduce the solution cost of solar plus storage. Mark the statement that is NOT true: [Question ID = 53373]
Both commercial and residential power users could become producer and consumers of solar power in the near future [Option ID = 93481]
Solar power will be the major source of power in the near future. [Option ID = 93479]
Solar power could be a driver of progress in all areas of development [Option ID = 93480]
Even today people face frequent power disruptions. [Option ID = 93478]
Question 11 Explanation: 
Solar power will be the major source of power in the near future. [Option ID = 93479]
Question 12
I. Generating clean renewable electricity is crucial for India where nearly 300 million people—about a quarter of its population—live without access to electricity. Today, India is one of the lowest per capita consumers of electricity in the world; even when people are connected to the electricity grid, they face frequent disruptions. Add to that the projected economic growth and the increase in population, and the demand for energy in India is expected to double by 2040. According to Onno Ruhl, World Bank Country Director in India, with around 300 days of sunshine every year, India has among the best conditions in the world to harness solar energy. The rapid expansion of solar power can improve the quality of life for millions of Indians, especially for its poorest citizens. It can also create thousands of jobs in the solar industry and underpin progress in all areas of development, helping the country fulfill its dream of becoming the 'India of the future'. But Energy storage systems play a vital role to enhance capacity firming and smoothing the variable and intermittent power output from solar plants. The need for Energy Storage is thus indispensable in lieu of growing share of solar power in India's energy basket. With the year on year declining price trend of solar and energy storage technologies, the time is not very far when not only commercial and industrial customers but also residential customers would become prosumers where they will produce and consume the electricity in-house and this will be possible with the hybrid solution of solar and storage. Another market, which will grow in the near future, will be second life of the battery where the batteries (after few modifications) from the electric vehicles after their life can be used for the solar applications which will further reduce the solution cost of solar plus storage. How will the 'second life of the battery' benefit the consumers? (Question ID = 53379)
People can have a mobile solar power production source. [Option ID = 93502]
The use of electric vehicle batteries for solar plus storage will reduce solar power costs. [Option ID = 93503]
All of these [Option ID = 93505]
Used car batteries will be used for solar applications. [Option ID = 93504]
Question 12 Explanation: 
The use of electric vehicle batteries for solar plus storage will reduce solar power costs. [Option ID = 93503]
There are 12 questions to complete.

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