Question 1

For merging two sorted lists of sizes m and n into a sorted list of size m+n, we required comparisons of

Question 1 Explanation: 
In best case, no. of comparisons is Min(m,n).
In worst case, no. of comparisons is m+n-1.
Then we require O(m+n) comparisons to merging two sorted lists.
Question 2

A binary tree T has n leaf nodes. The number of nodes of degree 2 in T is:

log2 n
n - 1
Question 2 Explanation: 
A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has atmost two child nodes.
The no. of subtrees of a node is called the degree of the node. In a binary tree, all nodes have degree 0, 1 and 2.
The degree of a tree is the maximum degree of a node in the tree. A binary tree is of degree 2.
The number of nodes of degree 2 in T is "n - 1".
Question 3

A D flip-flop is to be connected to an 8085 microprocessor chip as a 1-bit output port with a port address of FF hex. Data bit D3 should be involved in the data transfer from CPU to the flip-flop. The flip-flop should be cleared on power ON.
(a) Using only one NAND gate (fan in of 10), one NOT gate and one D flip-flop. Draw the required interface logic circuit (only the relevant signals should be shown).
(b) Write a program to generate a square wave on the output of the flip-flop. ON and OFF periods of the square wave should be 7 bus cycles each.

Theory Explanation.
Question 4

Let L = {a1, a2, ......, an} n ≥ 0 be a list whose Pascal representation is

                  type list = record
                     next: ↑ list; val: integer end  

The following function returns a list in which a2i and a2i-1, 1 ≤ i ≤ [n/2] are interchanged. Complete the function by filling the boxes. Write the line number and the content of the box in your answer sheet.

1. function change (p: ↑ list): ↑ list;
2. var q.t: ↑ list;
3. begin 
4. if p = nil then change := p
5. else if p ↑ next = nil then change : ▭
6. else begin
7. q : p ↑ next;
8. ▭ := q;
9. t : q ↑ next;
10. ▭ := p;
11. ▭ := change(t)
12. end
13. end 
Theory Explanation.
Question 5

Consider a graph whose vertices are points in the plane with integer co-ordinates (x,y) such that 1≤x≤n and 1≤y≤n, where n≥2 is an integer. Two vertices (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are adjacent iff ∣x1−x2∣ ≤ 1 and ∣y1–y2∣ ≤1. The weight of an edge {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} is √(x1–x2)2 + (y1–y2)2
(a) What is the weight of a minimum weight-spanning tree in this graph? Write only the answer without any explanations.
(b) What is the weight of a maximum weight-spanning tree in this graph? Write only the answer without any explanations.

Theory Explanation.
Question 6

Consider the following program in Pseudo-Pascal syntax.

program what:
      var z: integer
       procedure recur(x):
       begin if x <= 40 then
                  begin x:x+z

(a) Suppose the parameter to the procedure ‘recur’ is passed by value.
i. What value is printed by program?
ii. How many times is ‘recur’ called?
(b) What value is printed by the program if the parameter is passed by reference?

Theory Explanation.
Question 7

Consider the grammar

   S → bSe
   S → PQR
   P → bPc
   P → ε
   Q → cQd
   Q → ε
   R → dRe
   R → ε  

where S,P,Q,R are non-terminal symbols with S being the start symbol; b,c,d,e are terminal symbols and ‘ε’ is the empty string. This grammar generates strings of the form bi, cj, dk, em for some i,j,k,m ≥ 0.
(a) What is the condition on the values of i,j,k,m?
(b) Find the smallest string that has two parse trees.

Theory Explanation.
Question 8

Consider a hash table with n buckets, where external (overflow) chaining is used to resolve collisions. The hash function is such that the probability that a key value is hashed to a particular bucket is 1/n. The hash table is initially empty and K distinct values are inserted in the table.

(a) What is the probability that bucket number 1 is empty after the Kth insertion?
(b) What is the probability that no collision has occurred in any of the K insertions?
(c) What is the probability that the first collision occurs at the Kth insertions?

Theory Explanation.
Question 9

Let F be the set of one-to-one functions from the set {1,2,…,n} to the set {1,2,…,m}, where m≥n≥1.
(a) How many functions are members of F?
(b) How many functions f in F satisfy the property f(i) = 1 for some i, 1≤i≤n?
(c) How many functions f in F satisfy the property f(i) < f(j) for all 1≤i≤j≤n?

Theory Explanation.
Question 10

Let R be a reflexive and transitive relation on a set A. Define a new relation E on A as

 E = {(a,b) ∣ (a,b)∈R and (b,a)∈R} 

(a) Prove that E is an equivalence relation on A.
(b) Define a reason ≤ on the equivalence classes of E as E1 ≤ E2 if ∃a,b such that a∈E1, b∈E2 and (a,b)∈R. Prove that ≤ is a partial order.

Theory Explanation.
Question 11

Consider the following function.

Function F (n, m: integer): integer;
       If (n <= 0) or (m <= 0) then F:=1
            F:= F(n-1, m) + F(n, m-1);

Use the recurrence relation to answer the following question. Assume that n, m are positive integers. Write only the answers without any explanation.
(a) What is the value of F(n,2)?
(b) What is the value of (n,m)?
(c) How many recursive calls are made to the function F, including the original call, when evaluating F(n,m).

Theory Explanation.
Question 12

A size-balanced binary tree is a binary tree in which for every node, the difference between the number of nodes in the left and right subtree is at most 1. The distance of a node from the root is the length of the path from the root to the node. The height of a binary tree is the maximum distance of a leaf node from the root.
(a) Prove, by using induction on h, that a size-balance binary tree of height h contains at least 2h nodes.
(b) In a size-balanced binary tree of height h≤1, how many nodes are at distance h−1 from the root? Write only the answer without any explanations.

Theory Explanation.
Question 13

An array A contains n≥1 positive integers in the locations A[1], A[2],... A[n]. The following program fragment prints the length of a shortest sequence of consecutive elements of A, A[i], A[i+1],...A[j] such that the sum of their values is ≥M, a given positive number. It prints ‘n+1’ if no such sequence exists. Complete the program by filling in the boxes. In each case use the simplest possible expression. Write only the line number and the contents of the box.

1. begin
2. i: +1; j:=1;
3. Sum := ▭;
4. min: n; finish:=false;
5. While not finish do
6. If ▭ then
7. if j=n then finish:=true.
8.     else
9. begin
10.    j:=j+1;
11.    sum:=▭
12.        end
13. else
14. begin
15.        If(j-1) < min then min:=j-1;
16.        sum:=sum - A[i];
17.        i:=i+1;
18. end
19. writeln (min+1);
20. end.   
Theory Explanation.
Question 14

Consider the following piece of 'C' code fragment that removes duplicates from an ordered list of integers.

Node  *remove-duplicates(Node *head, int *j)
    Node *t1, *t2;
    t1 = head;
    if (t1! = NULL) t2 = t1 →next;
    else return head;
    *j = 1;
    if(t2 == NULL) return head;
    while t2 != NULL)
        if (t1.val != t2.val) --------------------------→ (S1)
            (*j)++; t1 → next = t2; t1 = t2: ----------→ (S2)
        t2 = t2 → next;
    t1 → next = NULL;
    return head;

Assume the list contains n elements (n≥2) in the following questions.
(a) How many times is the comparison in statement S1 made?
(b) What is the minimum and the maximum number of times statements marked S2 get executed?
(c) What is the significance of the value in the integer pointed to by j when the function completes?

Theory Explanation.
Question 15

A B+ - tree of order d is a tree in which each internal node has between d and 2d key values. An internal node with M key values has M+1 children. The root (if it is an internal node) has between 1 and 2d key values. The distance of a node from the root is the length of the path from the root to the node. All leaves are at the same distance from the root. The height of the tree is the distance of a leaf from the root.
(a) What is the total number of key values in the internal nodes of a B+ - tree with l leaves (l≥2)?
(b) What is the maximum number of internal nodes in a B+ - tree of order 4 with 52 leaves?
(c) What is the minimum number of leaves in a B+ - tree of order d and height h(h≥1)?

Theory Explanation.
Question 16

Construct a finite state machine with minimum number of states, accepting all strings over {a,b} such that the number of a's is divisible by two and the number of b's is divisible by three.

Theory Explanation.
Question 17

Given that L is a language accepted by a finite state machine, show that LP and LR are also accepted by some finite state machines, where
LP = {s|ss' ∈ L, for some string s'}
LR = {s|s obtainable by reversing some string in L}

Theory Explanation.
Question 18

A language L is a subset of Pascal with the following constructs:

    (a) Expressions involving the operators '+' and '<' only
    (b) Assignment statements
    (c) 'while' statements and
    (d) Compound statements with the syntax 'begin...end'
    Give an unambiguous grammar for L.
Theory Explanation.
Question 19

The language L, defined by the following grammar allows use of real or integer data in expressions and assignment statements.

    (assign-stmt):: = (LHS):= (E)
             (E) :: = (E) + (T)|(T)
             (T) :: = (T) * (V)|(V)
             (V) :: = id|((E))
           (LHS) :: = id 

It is required to convert expression and assignment strings of L into postfix strings that use the type-specific operators (+, i), (+, r), (*, i), (*, r), (:=, i) and (:=,r).
Write a syntax directed translation scheme to convert expression and assignment strings into the post-fix form. You may assume that the name and type of a variable can be obtained by making the function calls 'give-type (id)' and 'give-name (id)' respectively.

Theory Explanation.
Question 20

Consider the following program fragment in Pascal:

   Program Main;
      var X : integer;
      procedure A:
         var Y : integer;
         procedure B:
            var Z : integer;
            procedure C:
               var Z : integer;
               begin(* Procedure C *)
               end(* Procedure C *)
 begin(*Procedure B*)
  C; (* call to C *)
  A; (* call to A *)
 end(*Procedure B*)
     begin(* Procedure A *)
        B; (* call to B *)
     end(* Procedure A *)
  begin (* Main *)
        A; (* call to A *)
  end(* Main *) 

Assume that there are no calls to any procedures other than the ones indicated above. It is known that at some point of time during the execution of this program five activation records exist on the run-time stack. Describe the run-time stack at this point of time by clearly indicating the following: the top of the stack, the contents of the static link and dynamic link, and allocation of the local variables in each record.

Theory Explanation.
Question 21

Following is a state table for some finite state machine.

(a) Find the equivalence partition on the states of the machine.
(b) Give the state table for the minimal machine. (Use appropriate names for the equivalent states. For example if states X and Y are equivalent then use XY as the name for the equivalent state in the minimal machine.)

Theory Explanation.
Question 22

Let f = (w'+y)(x'+y)(w+x'+z)(w'+z)(x'+z)
(a) Express f as the minimal sum of products. Write only the answer.
(b) If the output line is stuck at 0, for how many input combinations will the value of f be incorrect?

Theory Explanation.
Question 23

Following floating point number format is given
f is a fraction represented by a 6-bit mantissa (includes sign bit) in sign magnitude form e is a 4-bit exponent (includes sign hit) in sign magnitude form n = (f,e) = f, 2e is a floating point number.
Let A = 54.75 in decimal and
B = 9.75 in decimal.

(a) Represent A and B as floating point numbers in the above format.
(b) Show the steps involved in floating point addition of A and B.
(c) What is the percentage error (upto one position beyond decimal point) in the addition operation in (b)?

Theory Explanation.
Question 24

A concurrent system consists of 3 processes using a shared resource R in a non-preemptible and mutually exclusive manner. The processes have unique priorities in the range 1.....3, 3 being the highest priority. It is required to synchronize the processes such that the resource is always allocated to the highest priority requester. The pseudo code for the system is as follows.

Shared Data 
mutex:semaphore = 1:/* initialized to 1*/
process[3]:semaphore = 0; /*all initialized to 0 */
R_requested [3]:boolean = false; /*all initialized to false */
busy: boolean = false; /*initialized to false */
Code for processes
begin process
my-priority:=____; /*in the range 1...3*/
    P (proceed [my-priority]);
    {use shared resource R}
    release_R (my-priority);
end process;
procedure request_R(priority);
if busy = true then
    R_requested [priority]:=true;
    V(proceed [priority]);

Give the pseudo code for the procedure release_R.

Theory Explanation.
Question 25

A program P reads and processes 1000 consecutive records from a sequential file F stored on device D without using any file system facilities. Given the following

   Size of each record = 3200 bytes
   Access time of D = 10 msecs
   Data transfer rate of D = 800 × 103 bytes/second
   CPU time to process each record = 3 msecs 

What is the elapsed time of P if
(a) F contains unblocked records and P does not use buffering?
(b) F contains unblocked records and P uses one buffer (i.e., it always reads ahead into the buffer)?
(c) records of F are organized using a blocking factor of 2 (i.e., each block on D contains two records of F) and P uses one buffer?

You may assume that the CPU time needed to transfer a record from a buffer to a local variable of P is negligible.

Theory Explanation.
Question 26

An operating system handles requests to resources as follows.

A process (which asks for some resources, uses them for some time and then exits the system) is assigned a unique timestamp are when it starts. The timestamps are monotonically increasing with time. Let us denote the timestamp of a process P by TS(P).

When a process P requests for a resource the OS does the following:
(i) If no other process is currently holding the resource, the OS awards the resource to P.
(ii) If some process Q with TS(Q) < TS(P) is holding the resource, the OS makes P wait for the resources.
(iii) If some process Q with TS(Q) > TS(P) is holding the resource, the OS restarts Q and awards the resources to P.
(Restarting means taking back the resources held by a process, killing it and starting it again with the same timestamp)

When a process releases a resource, the process with the smallest timestamp (if any) amongst those waiting for the resource is awarded the resource.
(a) Can a deadlock ever arise? If yes, show how. If not, prove it.
(b) Can a process P ever starve? If yes, show how. If not, prove it.

Theory Explanation.
Question 27

Consider the following relational database schema:

     EMP (eno name, age)
     PROJ (pno name)
     INVOLVED (eno, pno) 

EMP contains information about employees. PROJ about projects and INVOLVED about which employees involved in which projects. The underlined attributes are the primary keys for the respective relations.

(a) What is the relational algebra expression containing one or more of {σ,π,x,u,−} which is equivalent to SQL query.

select eno
where EMP.eno=INVOLVED.eno  
and INVOLVED.pno=3 

(b) State in English (in not more than 15 words).

What the following relational algebra expressions are designed to determine
(i) πeno(INVOLVED) − πeno((πeno(INVOLVED) X πpno(PROJ))−INVOLVED)
(ii) πage(EMP) − πEage

E(EMP) x EMP))

(Note: ρE(EMP) conceptually makes a copy of EMP and names it K (ρ is called the rename operator))

Theory Explanation.
Question 28

not in 2NF
in 2NF but not 3NF
in 3NF but not in 2NF
in both 2NF and 3NF
Question 28 Explanation: 
Since R1 ∩ R2 = ∅, so the decomposition is lossless join. Now since all the attributes are keys, so R1 ∩ R2 will be a key of the decomposed relation.
And since every attribute is key so the decomposed relation will be in BCNF and hence in 3NF.
Question 29

not in 2NF
in 2NF but not 3NF
in 3NF but not in 2NF
in both 2NF and 3NF
Question 29 Explanation: 
Since R1 ∩ R2 = ∅, so the decomposition is lossless join.
Now since all the attributes are keys, so R1 ∩ R2 will be a key of the decomposed relation.
And since every attribute is key so the decomposed relation will be in BCNF and hence in 3NF.
Question 30
If ‘→’ denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words  [dry → arid → parched] is analogous to [diet → fast → ________ ].
Which one of the given options is appropriate to fill the blank?
Question 31
If two distinct non-zero real variables x and y are such that (x + y) is proportional  to (x — y) then the value of  x / y is    
depends on xy
depends only on x and not on y
depends only on y and not on x
is a constant
Question 32
Consider the following sample of numbers:
9, 18, 11, 14, 15, 17, 10, 69, 11, 13
The median of the sample is
Question 33
The number of coins of  Rs 1 , Rs 5 and Rs 10 denominations that a person has are in the ratio 5:3:13. Of the total amount, the percentage of money in Rs 5 coins is  
Question 34
For positive non-zero real variables p and q, if  log(p2+q2)=log p+log q+2log3, then the value of (p4+q4)/p2q2 is
Question 35
In the given text, the blanks are numbered (i)—(iv).
Select the best match for all the blanks.
Steve was advised to keep his head____(i)before heading___(ii)to bat; for, while he had a head___(ii)batting, he could only do so with a cool head______(iv) his shoulders.
(i) down (ii) down (iii) on (iv) for
(i) on (ii) down (iii) for (iv) on
(i) down (ii) out (iii) for (iv) on
(i) on (ii) out (iii) on (iv) for
Question 36
A rectangular paper sheet of dimensions 54 cm x 4 cm is taken. The two longer edges of the sheet are joined together to create a cylindrical tube. A cube whose surface area is equal to the area of the sheet is also taken. Then, the ratio of the volume of the cylindrical tube to the volume of the cube is
1 / π
2 / π
3 / π
4 / π
Question 37
The pie chart presents the percentage contribution of different macro nutrients to a typical 2,000 kcal diet of a person.

The total fat (all three types), in grams, this person consumes is
Question 38
A rectangular paper of 20 cm × 8 cm is folded 3 times. Each fold is made along the line of symmetry, which is perpendicular to its long edge. The perimeter of the final folded sheet (in cm) is
Question 39
The least number of squares to be added in the figure to make AB a line of symmetry is
Question 40
{−1, 1, 2}
{−2, −1, 1}
{0, 1}
{−1, 0, 1}
Question 41
Question 42
Consider a system that uses 5 bits for representing signed integers in 2's complement format. In this system, two integers A and B are represented as A=01010 and B=11010. Which one of the following operations will result in either an arithmetic overflow or an arithmetic underflow?
Question 43
Consider a permutation sampled uniformly at random from the set of all permutations of {1, 2, 3, ⋯ , n} for some n ≥ 4. Let X be the event that 1 occurs before 2 in the permutation, and Y the event that 3 occurs before 4. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
The events X and Y are mutually exclusive
The events X and Y are independent
Either event X or Y must occur
Event X is more likely than event Y
Question 44
Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
In the cycle stealing mode of DMA, one word of data is transferred between an I/O device and main memory in a stolen cycle
For bulk data transfer, the burst mode of DMA has a higher throughput than the cycle stealing mode
Programmed I/O mechanism has a better CPU utilization than the interrupt driven I/O mechanism
The CPU can start executing an interrupt service routine faster with vectored interrupts than with non-vectored interrupts
Question 45
A user starts browsing a webpage hosted at a remote server. The browser opens a single TCP connection to fetch the entire webpage from the server. The webpage consists of a top-level index page with multiple embedded image objects. Assume that all caches (e.g., DNS cache, browser cache) are all initially empty. The following packets leave the user’s computer in some order.
(i)    HTTP GET request for the index page
(ii)    DNS request to resolve the web server’s name to its IP address
(iii)    HTTP GET request for an image object
(iv)    TCP SYN to open a connection to the web server
Which one of the following is the CORRECT chronological order (earliest in time to latest) of the packets leaving the computer ?
(iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
(ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
(ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
(iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
Question 46
Given an integer array of size N, we want to check if the array is sorted (in either ascending or descending order). An algorithm solves this problem by making a single pass through the array and comparing each element of the array only with its adjacent elements. The worst-case time complexity of this algorithm is
both Ο(N) and Ω(N)
Ο(N) but not Ω(N)
Ω(N) but not Ο(N)
neither Ο(N) nor Ω(N)
Question 47
Consider the following C program: #include <stdio.h>
int main()
while(a < 10)
a = a / 12 + 1; a += b;
printf("%d", a);
return 0;
Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
The program prints 9 as output
The program prints 10 as output
The program gets stuck in an infinite loop
The program prints 6 as output
Question 48
Consider the following C program:

Assume that the input to the program from the command line is 1234 followed by a newline character. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
The program will not terminate
The program will terminate with no output
The program will terminate with 4321 as output
The program will terminate with 1234 as output
Question 49
Let S be the specification: "Instructors teach courses. Students register for courses. Courses are allocated classrooms. Instructors guide students." Which one of the following ER diagrams CORRECTLY represents S?
Question 50
In a B+ tree, the requirement of at least half-full (50%) node occupancy is relaxed for which one of the following cases?
Only the root node
All leaf nodes
All internal nodes
Only the leftmost leaf node
Question 50 Explanation: 
In many B+ tree implementations, the root node is allowed to have less than half of its slots occupied, as it can be merged with other nodes if necessary.
There are 50 questions to complete.

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