
Question 1

Consider a TCP connection between a client and a server with the following specifications: the round trip time is 6 ms, the size of the receiver advertised window is 50 KB, slow start threshold at the client is 32 KB, and the maximum segment size is 2 KB. The connection is established at time t=0. Assume that there are no timeouts and errors during transmission. Then the size of the congestion window (in KB) at time t+60 ms after all acknowledgements are processed is ______.

Question 1 Explanation: 
Threshold = 32 Kb, MSS = 2KB, RTT = 6ms
Here, t + 60 is nothing but at the 10 RTT (60/6 = 10), but here it’s asking after all acknowledgement are processed it means after the 10th RTT, i.e., at the 11RTT.
1st transmission: 2 KB
2nd transmission: 4 KB
3rd transmission: 8 KB
4th transmission: 16 KB
5th transmission: 32 KB (Threshold reached)
6th transmission: 34 KB
7th transmission: 36 KB
8th transmission: 38 KB
9th transmission: 40 KB
10th transmission: 42 KB
At the completion of 10th transmission RTT = 10*6 = 60 ms
For the 11th transmission, The congestion window size is 44 KB.
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