
Question 1
Consider the following transportation problem:
is degenerate solution
is optimum solution
needs to improve
is infeasible solution
Question 1 Explanation: 
Step1: In vogel’s approximation method first find out the row difference(by calculating the difference between the two smallest values of that row) and column difference(by calculating the difference between the two smallest values of that row)
Then select the row having highest row difference and after selecting row choose the column/cell of that row having minimum value.
After that fulfill the demand by using supply from the selected row and column.
After that if demand becomes zero then delete that column and if the row become zero then delete that row and then repeat step 1.
Question 2
Which of the following is a valid reason for causing degeneracy in a transportation problem ?
Here m is no. of rows and n is no. of columns in transportation table
When the number of allocations is m+n−1.
When two or more occupied cells become unoccupied simultaneously.
When the number of allocations is less than m+n−1.
When a loop cannot be drawn without using unoccupied cells, except the starting cell of the loop.
There are 2 questions to complete.

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