
Question 1
Below are the few steps given for scan-converting a circle using Bresenham’s Algorithm. Which of the given steps is not correct ?
Compute d = 3 – 2r (where r is radius)
Stop if x > y
If d < 0, then d = 4x + 6 and x = x + 1
If d ≥, then d = 4 * (x – y) + 10, x = x + 1 and y = y + 1
Question 1 Explanation: 
Scan converting a circle using Bresenham’s algorithm:
1 Initially X = 0 , Y = R and D = 3 – 2R

2. While (X < Y)

3. Call Draw Circle(Xc, Yc, X, Y)

4. Set X = X + 1

5. If (D < 0) Then

6. D = D + 4X + 6

7. Else

8. Set Y = Y – 1

9. D = D + 4(X – Y) + 10

10. End If

11. Draw Circle(Xc, Yc, X, Y) /* calling function call */

12. End While
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