UGC NET CS 2018-DEC Paper-2
October 5, 2023
Teaching Aptitude
October 5, 2023
UGC NET CS 2018-DEC Paper-2
October 5, 2023
Teaching Aptitude
October 5, 2023

UGC NET CS 2018-DEC Paper-2

Question 13
Suppose P,Q and R are co-operating processes satisfying Mutual Exclusion condition. Then if the process Q is executing in its critical section then
‘P’ executes in critical section
‘R’ executes in critical section
Neither ‘P’ nor ‘Q’ executes in their critical section
Both ‘P’ and ‘R’ executes in critical section
Question 13 Explanation: 
● A mutual exclusion (mutex) is a program object that prevents simultaneous access to a shared resource.
● This concept is used in concurrent programming with a critical section, a piece of code in which processes or threads access a shared resource.
● Only one thread owns the mutex at a time, thus a mutex with a unique name is created when a program starts.
● When a thread holds a resource, it has to lock the mutex from other threads to prevent concurrent access of the resource
● In the question, Three process are cooperating processes and satisfying mutual exclusion condition. If process Q is executing in its critical section means remaining two processes in wait stating and they won’t enter into critical section.
Correct Answer: C
Question 13 Explanation: 
● A mutual exclusion (mutex) is a program object that prevents simultaneous access to a shared resource.
● This concept is used in concurrent programming with a critical section, a piece of code in which processes or threads access a shared resource.
● Only one thread owns the mutex at a time, thus a mutex with a unique name is created when a program starts.
● When a thread holds a resource, it has to lock the mutex from other threads to prevent concurrent access of the resource
● In the question, Three process are cooperating processes and satisfying mutual exclusion condition. If process Q is executing in its critical section means remaining two processes in wait stating and they won’t enter into critical section.
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