October 12, 2023Algorithms
October 12, 2023Algorithms
Question 31
In a depth-first traversal of a graph G with n vertices, k edges are marked as tree edges. The number of connected components in G is
k + 1
n – k – 1
n – k
Question 31 Explanation:
In a graph G with n vertices and p component then G has n – p edges(k).
In this question, we are going to applying the depth first search traversal on each component of graph where G is connected (or) disconnected which gives minimum spanning tree
i.e., k = n-p
p = n – k
In this question, we are going to applying the depth first search traversal on each component of graph where G is connected (or) disconnected which gives minimum spanning tree
i.e., k = n-p
p = n – k
Correct Answer: D
Question 31 Explanation:
In a graph G with n vertices and p component then G has n – p edges(k).
In this question, we are going to applying the depth first search traversal on each component of graph where G is connected (or) disconnected which gives minimum spanning tree
i.e., k = n-p
p = n – k
In this question, we are going to applying the depth first search traversal on each component of graph where G is connected (or) disconnected which gives minimum spanning tree
i.e., k = n-p
p = n – k