Teaching Aptitude
October 19, 2023Objectives-of-Teaching
October 19, 20232017 January NTA UGC NET Paper 1
Question 15
Among the following propositions two are related in such a way that they cannot both be true but can both be false. Select the code that states those two propositions.
(a) Every student is attentive.
(b) Some students are attentive.
(c) Students are never attentive.
(d) Some students are not attentive.
(a) Every student is attentive.
(b) Some students are attentive.
(c) Students are never attentive.
(d) Some students are not attentive.
(a) and (b)
(a) and (c)
(b) and (c)
(c) and (d)
Question 15 Explanation:
Some students may attentive (or) not attentive both are true remaining two statements are false.
Answer:- B
Answer:- B
Correct Answer: B
Question 15 Explanation:
Some students may attentive (or) not attentive both are true remaining two statements are false.
Answer:- B
Answer:- B