October 27, 2023ICT
October 27, 2023Database-Management-System
Question 6 |
Let Ri(z) and Wi(z) denote read and write operations on a data element z by a transaction Ti, respectively. Consider the schedule S with four transactions.
S: R4(x) R2(x) R3(x) R1(y) W1(y) W2(x) W3(y) R4(y)
Which one of the following serial schedules is conflict equivalent to S
S: R4(x) R2(x) R3(x) R1(y) W1(y) W2(x) W3(y) R4(y)
Which one of the following serial schedules is conflict equivalent to S
Question 6 Explanation:
The given schedule ‘s’ is:
Precedence Graph
T1 → T3 → T4 → T2
Precedence Graph
T1 → T3 → T4 → T2
Correct Answer: A
Question 6 Explanation:
The given schedule ‘s’ is:
Precedence Graph
T1 → T3 → T4 → T2
Precedence Graph
T1 → T3 → T4 → T2
All options are same how to find which is correct, atleast type correctly