November 5, 2023Question 1794 – Nielit Scientist-B 17-12-2017
November 5, 2023Question 1793 – Nielit Scientist-B 17-12-2017
A stack organized computer has which of the following instructions?
Correct Answer: A
Question 6 Explanation:
Zero-Address Instructions:
A stack-organized computer does not use an address field for the instructions ADD and MUL. The PUSH and POP instructions, however, need an address field to specify the operand that communicates with the stack. The following program shows how X=(A+B)*(C+D) will be written for a stack-organized computer. (TOS stands for top of stack).

To evaluate arithmetic expressions in a stack computer, it is necessary to convert the expression into reverse Polish notation. The name “zero-address” is given to this type of computer because of the absence of an address field in the computational instructions.
A stack-organized computer does not use an address field for the instructions ADD and MUL. The PUSH and POP instructions, however, need an address field to specify the operand that communicates with the stack. The following program shows how X=(A+B)*(C+D) will be written for a stack-organized computer. (TOS stands for top of stack).
To evaluate arithmetic expressions in a stack computer, it is necessary to convert the expression into reverse Polish notation. The name “zero-address” is given to this type of computer because of the absence of an address field in the computational instructions.
Zero address
one address
two address
three address