Question 9288 – Transactions
November 6, 2023
Question 10330 – Queues-and-Stacks
November 6, 2023
Question 9288 – Transactions
November 6, 2023
Question 10330 – Queues-and-Stacks
November 6, 2023

Question 8153 – Transactions

Consider the following database schedule with two transactions, T1 and T2.
S = r2(X); r1(X); r2(Y); w1(X); r1(Y); w2(X); a1; a2
where ri(Z) denotes a read operation by transaction Ti on a variable Z, wi(Z) denotes a write operation by Ti on a variable Z and ai denotes an abort by transaction Ti.
Which one of the following statements about the above schedule is TRUE?

Correct Answer: C

Question 15 Explanation: 
Given schedule is,

Now let’s check statements one by one,
A) False, because there is no dirty read. So, it is recoverable.
B) False, because there is to dirty read. So, no cascading aborts.
C) True.
D) False, because there is Transaction T2 which written the value of x which is written by T1 before T1 has aborted. So, not strict.
S is non-recoverable
S is recoverable, but has a cascading abort
S does not have a cascading abort
S is strict
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