Question 14235 – Graphs-and-Tree
November 13, 2023
Question 14228 – Algorithms
November 13, 2023
Question 14235 – Graphs-and-Tree
November 13, 2023
Question 14228 – Algorithms
November 13, 2023

Question 14282 – Graphs-and-Tree

Consider the following directed graph:

Which of the following is/are correct about the graph?

Correct Answer: D

Question 3 Explanation: 

Option-1: FALSE: There is no path from  top right corner vertex to any other vertex

Option-2: FALSE: A directed graph is called strongly connected if there is a path in each direction between each pair of vertices of the graph. As there is no path from the above vertex then this statement is wrong. 

Option-3: TRUE: This graph does have directed cycles, thus topological order can not be  possible for according to topological definition. 

For each pair of vertices u and v, there is a directed path from u to v.
The graph does not have a strongly connected component.
The graph does not have a topological order.
A depth-first traversal staring at vertex S classifies three directed edges as back edges.
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