Question 4834 – Operating-Systems
November 17, 2023Question 5070 – Operating-Systems
November 17, 2023Question 4999 – Operating-Systems
Which of the following commands will output “onetwothree” ?
Correct Answer: C
Question 620 Explanation:
for→ It will execute a statement will work like normal ‘C’ programming.
echo→ This statement will print the value
$n → Printing the value of ‘n’ variable.
; → Terminating the current statement.
According to question, Option-C is most suitable answer.
echo→ This statement will print the value
$n → Printing the value of ‘n’ variable.
; → Terminating the current statement.
According to question, Option-C is most suitable answer.
for val; do echo-n $val; done < one two three
for one two three; do echo-n-; done
for n in one two three; do echo-n $n; done
for n in one two three {echo –n $ n}