Question 13879 – UGC NET JRF November 2020 Paper-2
November 18, 2023NTA UGC NET JUNE-2023 Paper-2
November 18, 2023Question 1882 – Nielit Scientist-B 17-12-2017
A two word instruction is stored in a location A. The operand part of instruction holds B. if the addressing mode is relative, the operand is available in location
Correct Answer: A
Question 60 Explanation:
It is given that instruction size is 2 words, and it’s starting address is A.
When executing the present instruction program counter gets incremented to the address of the next instruction.
So, latest value in PC=A+2.
In the instruction operand value is B, which is used as a offset for the effective address calculation.
So, Effective address= Program counter + Offset.
Here Program counter= A+2, Offset = B
Effective address= A+2+B
When executing the present instruction program counter gets incremented to the address of the next instruction.
So, latest value in PC=A+2.
In the instruction operand value is B, which is used as a offset for the effective address calculation.
So, Effective address= Program counter + Offset.
Here Program counter= A+2, Offset = B
Effective address= A+2+B