Question 8046 – Memory-Interfacing
December 3, 2023
Question 6895 – Artificial-Intelligence
December 3, 2023
Question 8046 – Memory-Interfacing
December 3, 2023
Question 6895 – Artificial-Intelligence
December 3, 2023


Question 115

From the following instance of a relation scheme R(A,B,C), we can conclude that:

A functionally determines B and B functionally determines C
A functionally determines B and B does not functionally determines C
B does not functionally determines C
A does not functionally determines B and B does not functionally determines C
Question 115 Explanation: 
From the given instance of relation it can be seen that A functionally determines B, but we cannot conclude this for the entire relation.
But for the given instance it can be seen that B does not functionally determines C, and it can be concluded for entire relation.
Correct Answer: C
Question 115 Explanation: 
From the given instance of relation it can be seen that A functionally determines B, but we cannot conclude this for the entire relation.
But for the given instance it can be seen that B does not functionally determines C, and it can be concluded for entire relation.
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