Question 10017 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 9883 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 10017 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 9883 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023

Question 10026 – Theory-of-Computation

(a) An identifier in a programming language consists of upto six letters and digits of which the first character must be a letter. Derive a regular expression for the identifier.

(b) Build an LL(1) parsing table for the language defined by the LL(1) grammar with productions

Program → begin d semi X end
X → d semi X | sY
Y → semi s Y | ε 

Correct Answer: A

Theory Explanation.
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