Question 9935 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 14253 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 9935 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 14253 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023

Question 14234 – Theory-of-Computation

 For a Turing machine M, <M> denotes an encoding of M. Consider the following two languages.
        L1=〈M〉|M takes more than 2021 steps on all inputs
L2=〈M〉|M takes more than 2021 steps on some input
Which one of the following options is correct?

Correct Answer: D

Question 43 Explanation: 

L1 is decidable. 

We can take all strings of length zero to length 2021.

If TM takes more than 2021 steps on above inputs then definitely it will take more than 2021 steps on all input greater than length 2021.

If TM takes less than 2021 steps:

In such a case suppose TM  takes less than 2021 steps (let’s say  2020 steps ) for string length 2021, 2022, 2023, then definitely TM  will take 2020 steps for all input greater than 2023. Hence in both cases it is decidable.


Similarly L2 is also decidable. If we can decide for all inputs then we can decide for some inputs also.

Both L1and L2 are undecidable.
L1is undecidable and L2is decidable.
L1is decidable and L2is undecidable.
Both L1and L2 are decidable.
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