Question 4948 – Big-Data
December 9, 2023
Question 2445 – KVS 30-12-2018 Part B
December 9, 2023
Question 4948 – Big-Data
December 9, 2023
Question 2445 – KVS 30-12-2018 Part B
December 9, 2023


Question 2
Consider the following three relations in a relational database.
Employee ( eId , Name ), Brand ( bId , bName ), Own ( eId , bId )
Which of the following relational algebra expressions return the set of elds who own all the brands?
Question 2 Explanation: 
Option (A) returns eid’s which owns every brand of the relation Brand.
In relational algebra, divide (/) is not a basic operator and it can be derived from the basic operators. In option (B), the divide operator is derived using basic operators and which is equivalent to option (A)
Correct Answer: B
Question 2 Explanation: 
Option (A) returns eid’s which owns every brand of the relation Brand.
In relational algebra, divide (/) is not a basic operator and it can be derived from the basic operators. In option (B), the divide operator is derived using basic operators and which is equivalent to option (A)
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