Question 1267 – Nielit Scientist-B CS 2016 march
December 10, 2023
Question 7155 – NVS PGT CS 2019 Part-A
December 10, 2023
Question 1267 – Nielit Scientist-B CS 2016 march
December 10, 2023
Question 7155 – NVS PGT CS 2019 Part-A
December 10, 2023

Question 9051 – Compiler-Design

The program below uses six temporary variables a, b, c, d, e, f.

    a = 1
    b = 10
    c = 20
    d = a+b
    e = c+d
    f = c+e
    b = c+e
    e = b+f
    d = 5+e
    return d+f

Assuming that all operations take their operands from registers, what is the minimum number of registers needed to execute this program without spilling?

Correct Answer: B

Question 52 Explanation: 
Here a, b, and c all have 3 different values so we need atleast 3 registers r1, r2 and r3.
Assume ‘a’ is mapped to r1, ‘b’ to r2 and ‘c’ to r3.
d = a + b, after this line if u notice ‘a’ is never present on right hand side, so we can map ‘d’ to r1.
e = c + d, after this line ‘d’ is never present on rhs, so we can map ‘e’ to r1.
at this time mapping is
r1 — e
r2 — b

r3 — c
We have 3 registers for e, b and c.
f = c + e
b = c + e
These two are essentially doing same thing, after these two line ‘b’ and ‘f’ are same so we can skip computing ‘f’ or need not give any new register for ‘f’. And wherever ‘f’ is present we can replace it with ‘b’, because neither of ‘f’ and ‘b’ are changing after these two lines, so value of these will be ‘c+e’ till the end of the program.
At second last line “d = 5 + e”
here ‘d’ is introduced, we can map it to any of the register r1 or r3, because after this line neither of ‘e’ or ‘c’ is required. Value of ‘b’ is required because we need to return ‘d+f’, and ‘f’ is essentially equal to ‘b’
finally code becomes
r1 = 1
r2 = 10
r3 = 20
r1 = r1 + r2
r1 = r3 + r1
r2 = r3 + r1
r2 = r3 + r1

r1 = r2 + r2
r3 = 5 + r1
return r3 + r2
Therefore minimum 3 registers needed.
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