Question 162 – Programming-for-Output-Problems
January 11, 2024
Question 3150 – Papers-Articles-Workshop-Seminar-Conference-and-Symosium
January 11, 2024
Question 162 – Programming-for-Output-Problems
January 11, 2024
Question 3150 – Papers-Articles-Workshop-Seminar-Conference-and-Symosium
January 11, 2024

Question 11110 – Computer-Networks

In a communication network, a packet of length L bits takes link L1 with a probability of p1 or link L2 with a probability of p2. Link L1 and L2 have bit error probability of b1and brespectively. The probability that the packet will be received without error via either L1 or L2 is

Correct Answer: A

Question 8 Explanation: 
Probability of choosing link L1 = p1
Probability for no bit error for any single bit = (1 – b1)
Similarly, for link L2,
Probability of no bit error = (1 – b2)
Packet can go either through link L1 or L2, they are mutually exclusive events.
Probability packet will be received without any error = Probability of L1 being chosen and no errors in any of L bits + Probability of L2 being chosen and no error in any of the L bits
= (1 – b1)L p1 + (1 – b2)L p2
Hence, answer is option A.
(1 – b1)L p1 + (1 – b2)Lp2
[1 – (b1 + b2)L]p1p2
(1 – b1)L (1 – b2)Lp1p2
1 – (b1 Lp1 + b2 Lp2)
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