Question 17349 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 19, 2024
Question 17351 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 19, 2024
Question 17349 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 19, 2024
Question 17351 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 19, 2024

Question 17350 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2

Which of the following are commonly used parsing techniques in NLP (Natural Language Processing) for syntactic analysis,
(A) Top down parsing
(B) Bottom Up parsing
(C) Dependency parsing.
(D) Statistical machine translation
(E) Earley parsing
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Correct Answer: C

Question 10 Explanation: 
(A) Top-Down Parsing:
Starts with the root of the sentence structure and works its way down, attempting to match grammar rules to the input sentence.
Examples include recursive descent parsing and LL parsers.
(B) Bottom-Up Parsing:
Starts with individual words or phrases and builds the structure upward, combining smaller structures into larger ones based on grammar rules.
Examples include shift-reduce parsing and LR parsers.
(C) Dependency Parsing:
Focuses on identifying the relationships between words in a sentence, specifically which words are dependent on others.
Represents sentence structure as a dependency tree.
(E) Earley Parsing:
A type of dynamic programming algorithm that can efficiently handle ambiguity and left-recursion in grammars.
It’s a chart-based parsing algorithm that can be used for both top-down and bottom-up parsing.
(D) Statistical Machine Translation:
Not a parsing technique for syntactic analysis. It’s a method for translating text from one language to another using statistical models.
(A), (C) (D),(E) Only
(B) (C) (D), (E) Only
(A) (B) (C), (E) Only
(A) and (B) Only
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