Question 10684 –
February 13, 2024
Question 8785 –
February 13, 2024
Question 10684 –
February 13, 2024
Question 8785 –
February 13, 2024

Question 8763 –

The line graph L(G) of a simple graph G is defined as follows: · There is exactly one vertex v(e) in L(G) for each edge e in G. · For any two edges e and e’ in G, L(G) has an edge between v(e) and v(e’), if and only if e and e’are incident with the same vertex in G. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

    (P) The line graph of a cycle is a cycle.
    (Q) The line graph of a clique is a clique.
    (R) The line graph of a planar graph is planar.
    (S) The line graph of a tree is a tree.
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P only
P and R only
R only
P, Q and S only
Question 33 Explanation: 
P) True. Because every edge in cycle graph will become a vertex in new graph L(G) and every vertex of cycle graph will become an edge in new graph.
R) False. We can give counter example. Let G has 5 vertices and 9 edges which is planar graph. Assume degree of one vertex is 2 and of all others are 4. Now, L(G) has 9 vertices (because G has 9 edges) and 25 edges. But for a graph to be planar,
|E| ≤ 3|v| – 6
For 9 vertices |E| ≤ 3 × 9 – 6
⇒ |E| ≤ 27 – 6
⇒ |E| ≤ 21. But L(G) has 25 edges and so is not planar.
As (R) is false, option (B) & (C) are eliminated.

Correct Answer: A

Question 33 Explanation: 
P) True. Because every edge in cycle graph will become a vertex in new graph L(G) and every vertex of cycle graph will become an edge in new graph.
R) False. We can give counter example. Let G has 5 vertices and 9 edges which is planar graph. Assume degree of one vertex is 2 and of all others are 4. Now, L(G) has 9 vertices (because G has 9 edges) and 25 edges. But for a graph to be planar,
|E| ≤ 3|v| – 6
For 9 vertices |E| ≤ 3 × 9 – 6
⇒ |E| ≤ 27 – 6
⇒ |E| ≤ 21. But L(G) has 25 edges and so is not planar.
As (R) is false, option (B) & (C) are eliminated.