Question 7850 – Computer-Networks
February 26, 2024
Question 6367 – Software-testing
February 27, 2024
Question 7850 – Computer-Networks
February 26, 2024
Question 6367 – Software-testing
February 27, 2024

Question 10453 – Queues-and-Stacks

A stack is used to pass parameters to procedures in a procedure call.
(a) If a procedure P has two parameters as described in procedure definition:

    procedure P (var x :integer; y: integer); 
    and if P is called by ; P(a,b) 

State precisely in a sentence what is pushed on stack for parameters a and b.

(b) In the generated code for the body of procedure P, how will the addressing of formal parameters x and y differ?

Correct Answer: A

Theory Explanation.
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