Question 11487 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11490 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11487 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11490 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024

Question 11489 – APPSC-2012-DL CA

Consider following three statement about memory management
(I) Memory fragmentation results in poor utilization of memory.
(II) Memory fragmentation is the area of memory, which is allocated to a process but unused.
(III) Demand paging can increase the degree of multiprogramming.

Correct Answer: C

Question 19 Explanation: 
Memory fragmentation is when most of your memory is allocated in a large number of non-contiguous blocks, or chunks – leaving a good percentage of your total memory unallocated, but unusable for most typical scenarios. This results in out of memory exceptions, or allocation errors (i.e. malloc returns null).
Hence statement I and II is true.
Also demand paging increase the degree of multiprogramming. Hence statement III is also true.
Only (I) and (III)
Only (ii) and (III)
All (I), (II) and (III)
None from (I), (II) and (III)
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