Question 11490 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11492 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11490 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024
Question 11492 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
March 27, 2024

Question 11491 – APPSC-2012-DL CA

Which one from the following is a false statement about page replacement algorithm?

Correct Answer: B

Question 21 Explanation: 
S1 is true.
S2 is false,because LRU page replacement algorithm possess the stack property.
S3 is true because Optimal page replacement is infeasible because the virtual memory handler does not have knowledge of the future reference. It is just used to evaluate the performance with other algorithms for comparison.
S4 is true thats why FIFO suffers from anomaly called belady’s anamoly.
LRU page replacement algorithm uses the principle of locality of reference.
LRU page replacement algorithm does not posses the stack property.
Optimal page replacement algorithm is infeasible.
FIFO page replacement algorithm does not posses the stack property.
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