Question 8413 – Theory-of-Computation
May 17, 2024
Question 8823 – Digital-Logic-Design
May 17, 2024
Question 8413 – Theory-of-Computation
May 17, 2024
Question 8823 – Digital-Logic-Design
May 17, 2024

Question 8003 – Theory-of-Computation

Let L(R) be the language represented by regular expression R. Let L(G) be the language generated by a context free grammar G. Let L(M) be the language accepted by a Turing machine M.
Which of the following decision problems are undecidable?
I. Given a regular expression R and a string w, is w ∈ L(R)?
II. Given a context-free grammar G, is L(G) = ∅?
III. Given a context-free grammar G, is L(G) = Σ* for some alphabet Σ?
IV. Given a Turing machine M and a string w, is w ∈ L(M)?

Correct Answer: D

Question 31 Explanation: 
Since membership problem for regular language is decidable, so I is decidable.
Emptiness problem for Context free language is decidable, so II is decidable.
Completeness problem (i.e. L(G) = Σ* for a CFG G) is undecidable.
Membership problem for recursive enumerable language (as language of Turing Machine is recursive enumerable) is undecidable.
So IV is undecidable.
I and IV only
II and III only
II, III and IV only
III and IV only
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