June 2, 2024Question 8731 – Engineering-Mathematics
June 3, 2024Question 8144 – Theory-of-Computation
Consider the following two statements:
I. If all states of an NFA are accepting states then the language accepted by the NFA is Σ*.
II. There exists a regular language A such that for all languages B, A∩B is regular.
Which one of the following is CORRECT?
Correct Answer: B
Question 39 Explanation:
Statement I is false:
The reason is NFA doesn’t have dead state, so even though all states are final state in NFA, the NFA will reject some strings.
For ex:
Consider L = a*b*
The NFA would be:

Even though all states are final states in above NFA, but it doesn’t accept string “aba”.
Hence its language can’t be ∑*.
Statement II is true:
Since A= Φ is a regular language and its intersection with any language B will be Φ (which is regular).
The reason is NFA doesn’t have dead state, so even though all states are final state in NFA, the NFA will reject some strings.
For ex:
Consider L = a*b*
The NFA would be:
Even though all states are final states in above NFA, but it doesn’t accept string “aba”.
Hence its language can’t be ∑*.
Statement II is true:
Since A= Φ is a regular language and its intersection with any language B will be Φ (which is regular).
Only I is true
Only II is true
Both I and II are true
Both I and II are false