August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024


Question 818

Database systems that store each relation in a separate operating system file may use the operating system’s authorization scheme, instead of defining a special scheme themselves. In this case, which of the following is false ?

The administrator enjoys more control on the grant option.
It is difficult to differentiate among the update, delete and insert authorizations.
Cannot store more than one relation in a file.
Operations on the database are speeded up as the authorization procedure is carried out at the operating system level.
Question 818 Explanation: 
When the Database system will store each relation in seperate operating system file then it will become difficult for the administrator to differentiate among the update, delete and insert authorizations and also to keep track of grant options becomes difficult which is a overhead.
So, option 1 is clearly false and option 2 is true.
Option 3: In question it is mentioned that each relation is stored in a separate operating system file.
So, option 3 is true.
Option 4 : Since for each relation there is a seperate operating system file which may use the operating system’s authorization scheme.
So, Operations on the database are speeded up as the authorization procedure is carried out at the operating system level.
Correct Answer: A
Question 818 Explanation: 
When the Database system will store each relation in seperate operating system file then it will become difficult for the administrator to differentiate among the update, delete and insert authorizations and also to keep track of grant options becomes difficult which is a overhead.
So, option 1 is clearly false and option 2 is true.
Option 3: In question it is mentioned that each relation is stored in a separate operating system file.
So, option 3 is true.
Option 4 : Since for each relation there is a seperate operating system file which may use the operating system’s authorization scheme.
So, Operations on the database are speeded up as the authorization procedure is carried out at the operating system level.
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