GATE 2023
August 11, 2023
GATE 2023
August 11, 2023
GATE 2023
August 11, 2023
GATE 2023
August 11, 2023

GATE 2023

Question 10
Which one of the options best describes the transformation of the 2-dimensional figure P to Q, and then to R, as shown?
Operation 1: A clockwise rotation by 90º about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure
Operation 2: A reflection along a horizontal line
Operation 1: A counter clockwise rotation by 90º about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure
Operation 2: A reflection along a horizontal line
Operation 1: A clockwise rotation by 90º about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure
Operation 2: A reflection along a vertical line
Operation 1: A counter clockwise rotation by 180º about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure
Operation 2: A reflection along a vertical line
Correct Answer: A
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