Question 5584 – NIELIT Junior Teachnical Assistant_2016_march
December 9, 2023
Question 6902 – Big-Data
December 9, 2023
Question 5584 – NIELIT Junior Teachnical Assistant_2016_march
December 9, 2023
Question 6902 – Big-Data
December 9, 2023

Question 7909 – Programming

Consider the following C code:

             #include <stdio.h>
             int *assignval(int *x, int val)   {
                  *x = val;
                  return x;

             void main ( )  {
                  int  *x = malloc(sizeof(int));
                  if(NULL == x)  return;
                     x = assignval(x, 0);
                     if(x)  {
                           x = (int *)malloc(size of(int));
                           if(NULL == x)  return;
                              x = assignval(x, 10);
                     printf("%dn",  *x);

The code suffers from which one of the following problems:

Correct Answer: D

Question 8 Explanation: 
Option A:
In C++, we need to perform type casting, but in C Implicit type casting is done automatically, so there is no compile time error, it prints10 as output.
Option B:
NULL means address 0, if (a == 0) or (0 == a) no problem, though we can neglect this, as it prints 10.
Option C:
x points to a valid memory location. Dangling Pointer means if it points to a memory location which is freed/ deleted.
int*ptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
free(ptr); //ptr becomes a dangling pointer
ptr = NULL; //Removing Dangling pointers condition
Option D:
x is assigned to some memory location
int*x = malloc(sizeof(int));
→ (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)) again assigns some other location to x, previous memory location is lost because no new reference to that location, resulting in Memory Leak.
Hence, Option D.
compiler error as the return of malloc is not typecast approximately
compiler error because the comparison should be made as x==NULL and not as shown
compiles successfully but execution may result in dangling pointer
compiles successfully but execution may result in memory leak
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