Question 14112 – NIC-NIELIT STA 2020
December 9, 2023
Question 1095 – Software-Engineering
December 9, 2023
Question 14112 – NIC-NIELIT STA 2020
December 9, 2023
Question 1095 – Software-Engineering
December 9, 2023

Question 812 – Software-Engineering

Which of the following is not a key strategy followed by the clean room approach to software development ?

Correct Answer: B

Question 103 Explanation: 
The basic principles of the cleanroom process are
1. Software development based on formal methods:
Software tool support based on some mathematical formalism includes model checking, process algebras, and Petri nets. The Box Structure Method might be one such means of specifying and designing a software product. Verification that the design correctly implements the specification is performed through team review, often with software tool support.
2. Incremental implementation under statistical quality control:
Cleanroom development uses an iterative approach, in which the product is developed in increments that gradually increase the implemented functionality. The quality of each increment is measured against pre-established standards to verify that the development process is proceeding acceptably. A failure to meet quality standards results in the cessation of testing for the current increment, and a return to the design phase.
3. Statistically sound testing:
Software testing in the cleanroom process is carried out as a statistical experiment. Based on the formal specification, a representative subset of software input/output trajectories is selected and tested. This sample is then statistically analyzed to produce an estimate of the reliability of the software, and a level of confidence in that estimate.
Formal specification
Dynamic verification
Incremental development
Statistical testing of the system
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