Question 8149 – Operating-Systems
December 13, 2023
Question 13095 – HCU PHD CS MAY 2014
December 13, 2023
Question 8149 – Operating-Systems
December 13, 2023
Question 13095 – HCU PHD CS MAY 2014
December 13, 2023


Question 652
Consider the following database table having A, B, C and D as its four attributes and four possible candidate keys (I, II,III and IV) for this table :

I : {B}
II : {B, C}
III : {A, D}
IV : {C, D}
If different symbols stand for different values in the table (e.g., d​1​ is definitely not equal to d​2​ ), then which of the above could not be the candidate key for the database table ?
I and III only
III and IV only
II only
I only
Question 652 Explanation: 
→Given table will find that attribute {B},{A,D},{C,D} can uniquely identify each tuple of the given table.
→ So, we can say that {B},{A,D},{C,D} are the candidate keys of the given relation. And we know that a candidate key is a minimal key using which each tuple of a relation can be uniquely identified
And the super set of a candidate key is a Super Key instead of candidate Key.
→ Since {B} is a candidate key so {B,C} is a Super Key, not the Candidate key of the given relation.
→ So, the key which can’t be the candidate key of given relation is {B,C}.
Correct Answer: C
Question 652 Explanation: 
→Given table will find that attribute {B},{A,D},{C,D} can uniquely identify each tuple of the given table.
→ So, we can say that {B},{A,D},{C,D} are the candidate keys of the given relation. And we know that a candidate key is a minimal key using which each tuple of a relation can be uniquely identified
And the super set of a candidate key is a Super Key instead of candidate Key.
→ Since {B} is a candidate key so {B,C} is a Super Key, not the Candidate key of the given relation.
→ So, the key which can’t be the candidate key of given relation is {B,C}.
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