Question 14295 – Database-Management-System
December 19, 2023
Question 9186 – Data-Structures
December 20, 2023
Question 14295 – Database-Management-System
December 19, 2023
Question 9186 – Data-Structures
December 20, 2023

Question 14308 – Database-Management-System

The relation scheme given below is used to store information about the employees of a company, where empId is the key and deptId indicates the department to which the employee is assigned. Each employee is assigned to exactly one department.

              emp(empId, name, gender, salary, deptId)

Consider the following SQL query:

              select deptId, count (*)

              from emp

              where gender = “female” and salary > (select avg(salary) from emp)

              group by deptId;

The above query gives, for each department in the company, the number of female employees whose salary is greater than the average salary of

Correct Answer: C

Question 4 Explanation: 

The given SQL query is:

Select deptId, count(*)

from emp

where gender = “female” and 

group by deptId

  • The inner query will return the average salary of the emp table.
  • Hence, the given query will return the deptId wise count of female employees whose salary is greater than the average salary of the emp table.
employees in the department
female employees in the company
employees in the company
female employees in the department
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